A street in the Ukraine -
Back in 1999, Misha took a correspondence course
from Bible Mission in Ukraine. He was one of 4,000
students who received lessons in the mail, read the
materials, and filled out the question sheets he had
been sent. After being mailed back to Bible Mission,
his papers were corrected and returned to him via
post several weeks later. Misha was grateful for this
opportunity to further his knowledge of the Bible.
However, he often felt so alone in his studies, and
by the time he got answers to the questions he jotted
in the margins of his papers, he had almost forgotten
the questions! About halfway through the course,
Misha lost motivation and never finished.

How does a correspondence course, such as the one
Misha enrolled in, differ from eDOT distance-learning
courses? Some of the fundamental differences include:
*Interaction and collaboration between the students
and between the students and the facilitator
*Much faster turnaround time in a distance-learning
course than with a lesson that has to be mailed via
“snail mail”
*A weekly schedule of learning activities and specific
completion date for each course
*A variety of methods such as flash graphics (with
moving elements), film clips (e.g., the JESUS film),
and interactive maps, in distance learning
One of the largest correspondence schools in the
evangelical world was begun in 1901 by Moody
Bible Institute (MBI). In the late '90s MBI launched
its distance-education program, Moody Online.
When MBI offered eDOT the use of its distance-
learning courses in 2000, many people envisioned
our taking those online courses and translating them
into one of ten or so languages in Europe, putting
them on the Web, and “Voila!” we could have a
distance-learning program in place. Unfortunately,
it’s not quite that easy!
In bringing distance-learning courses from MBI to
Europe, there are a number of important—and time-
consuming—steps that have to take place to make
the courses effective in other cultures. Next month
we will walk through the process, hopefully helping
you better understand the process and how you can
pray more knowledgeably for the eDOT staff as they
work together to bring new Bible training
tools to Europe.