There is a place you can go through life without anyoneknowing who you “really” are. You can do things thatyou would normally be totally scared to do as they coulddamage your reputation, ability to work, or even causeyou physical harm. Social pressures to be a certain wayor act in a particular way are removed. You have thefreedom to create yourself in anyway you want andpresent yourself as any kind of person you want tobe. What would you do? How would you act? Whatplaces would you go? I am not speaking about a psychological experiment
or even the Internet in general but about a place online
Second Life. This virtual world allows you to create
yourself in any way you can imagine. So how are people
“living” in this virtual world? Some are making life long
friends who may (or may not) meet in the outside world.
Others are living lives that they feel they can not in the
“real” world. Moral and ethical values (and lack there of)
have moved from the “real” world into this virtual reality.
I’ve even read that Second Life recently had a
But in this “world” where you can have total anonymity,
there are people who are using this cover to seek out
answers to the spiritual questions that they have. That’s
why its so cool to hear about a church who has decided
that this will be one of their mission fields and have
“bought” 16 acres and “built” a church.
LifeChurch.tvhas spent quite a few hours developing a safe environment
for people who are seeking answers to their questions
and are searching for them in this world made of ones
and zeros.
People who are in need of knowing God’s love are every -
where including the “virtual” worlds. If we are to reach
the whole world, these places are to be included.
To know more about Second Life, see
Wikipedia’s page.
To know more about LifeChurch.tv’s virtual campus on
Second Life, see their
*Please see "comments" for
additional pertinent & germane