
Did Jesus Rise From The Dead?
A Look At Apologetics


The apostle Paul wrote: "If Christ has not been raised,
our preaching is useless and so is your faith.... But Christ
has indeed been raised from the dead." (1 Corinthians
15:14, 20, NIV).

The devil's defeat and our own resurrection and eternal
life are tied to the fact of Christ's resurrection. Naturally,
this resurrection would be a prime target of Satan and his

Therefore, it is not surprising that there is a massive new
attack on the resurrection via a 90-minute so-called
"documentary" where producer Cameron and his director,
Simcha Jacobovici, make the starting claim that Jesus wasn't
resurrected -- the cornerstone of Christian faith -- and that
His burial cave was discovered near Jerusalem. And, they claim,
Jesus sired a son with Mary Magdelene.

Cameron and Jacobovici claim to have amassed evidence through
DNA tests, archeological evidence and Biblical studies, that the
10 coffins belong to Jesus and his family. Yeah, right.

The devil thinks he is smart, but he is really stupid. Typically,
this will backfire on him and give many opportunities to give the
evidence of the reality of the resurrection of our Lord.

Still, such a bold, blasphemous and unprecedented action is further
evidence that the resurrected One will soon appear, to the total
shock and chagrin of His detractors.

*Please see "comments" for
additional pertinent information.


Blogging: The History & The Spirit

"There comes a moment when people who have
been dabbling in religion ('Man's search for God!')
suddenly draw back. Supposing we really found
Him? We never meant it to come to that! Worse
still, supposing He had found us?" -C.S. Lewis

When you come right down to it, blogging is about
two things: reaching and seeking. People started
blogging for many reasons. Communication can
be an odd thing — even with the most powerful
and effective technology we have in this modern
world, with targeted ads, personalized pop-ups,
and demographic data with frightening specificity,
the people who handle public relations for a living
still say that the most effective means of communication
remains an old standby: word of mouth.

On the internet, it's tough to manage word of mouth.
It seems like we're bombarded now with viral advertise -
ments, odd promotions, and strange product tie-ins. No
one can look you in the face over the internet — which
means that it's tough to establish trust, conversations
can get angry a lot quicker, and civility is often in short
supply. It's tough to prove to people who don't know you
that you have something worthwhile to say. It's tougher
still to reach strangers on a personal level, operating just
through words on a computer screen, an ongoing virtual

And yet, somehow, it happens.



Islam & Christianity

Now, it's true that Islam speaks of forgiveness,
just as it's true that many Christians have not
lived up to Christian teaching on the subject.
But forgiveness and reconciliation are absolutely
essential and central to the Gospel in a way that
they are not in Islam. There is no Koranic equivalent
to "turn the other cheek" and "love your enemies."

And without this Gospel understanding, any response
besides "an eye for an eye" comes off as weakness.
What is hampering the Islamic world and creating
bloodshed is the lack of the Christian concept of
forgiving and loving one's enemies.



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Evangelistic Opportunities Among Older Europeans

Browsing the internet has overtaken DIY*
and gardening to become the favourite pastime
of older people, according to a survey.

The internet is named as one of the favourite
pastimes of retired folks.

The current generation of "silver surfers" spends
an average of six hours online each week, research
by the insurance company AXA found.

Emailing and online chatting to friends and family
was the favourite internet activity of the retired
people surveyed, followed by researching information,
booking holidays and shopping.


*Do It Yourself Home Improvement, Repair, and Remodeling.

Answering Islam

A unique & popular website offers hope to millions
of Muslims: Answering Islam!

Read such articles as these:

*7 Myths About Islam
*Islam's Worldwide Revival
*To Every Muslim an Answer
*Sufis: The Mystical Muslims
*Comparing arguments for Islam & Christianity
*What Islam Really Teaches About Allah and Jesus
*‘Isa, the Muslim Jesus
*Islam as the ‘End’ of Christianity
*Do Muslims & Christians speak the same language?

This impressive website may be found at the following link:

Answering Islam!!!