
The Crouching Haunt Of Violence

History has a way of provoking life's most basic questions,
sometimes with
deadly force. Standing beside ruins and
devastation, newscasters daily
relay horrors. As harsh
realities take hold, the irrepressible "why?"
often surfaces
in the mind of the beholder. Occasionally, even national

conscience is so aroused as to ask "why?"

Yet in reality, the question of "why?" in a violent act,
as painful as
such a mindless atrocity can be, is never -
theless meaningless to raise
unless we also ask the
question of life itself--why are we here? But
alas! that
question is dismissed as no longer relevant in an academically

sophisticated culture.


1 comment:

Sarandipity said...

Thank you for your recent comments on my blog. What a blessing to see your blog and your obvious dedication to carrying out the Great Commission. Many consider Europe, in particular, to be "Christianized" yet the percentages of evangelical Christians in many countries are so low. Truly there is a great need to proclaim the Name of Christ among the nations, not the least of which are the European nations. May we be willing vessels in this work of carrying the message of hope and salvation through Jesus Christ to the ends of the earth.