
New Book, Old Lie

What if I promised you that you could make anything happen—
anything!—just by wanting it to happen?

You would think I was crazy, and you would be right. So why
is a book based on this premise selling so fast that bookstores
cannot keep it on the shelves?

Rhonda Byrne's The Secret has been on the New York Times
bestseller list for months, and a DVD version is also selling out
everywhere. Byrne is selling the tempting message that anything
you want is possible and easy to get.

This isn't just about keeping an optimistic attitude to improve
your life—it goes far beyond that. Byrne says a force called the
Law of Attraction guarantees that if you think positive thoughts
about what you want, you will get it. "The Universe" will bend
over backwards to hand you whatever you wish for: money,
a better job, a spouse, anything...




Anonymous said...

The Secret

Note: This commentary was delivered by Prison Fellowship President Mark Earley.

What if I promised you that you could make anything happen—anything!—just by wanting it to happen?

You would think I was crazy, and you would be right. So why is a book based on this premise selling so fast that bookstores cannot keep it on the shelves?

Rhonda Byrne’s The Secret has been on the New York Times bestseller list for months, and a DVD version is also selling out everywhere. Byrne is selling the tempting message that anything you want is possible and easy to get.

This isn’t just about keeping an optimistic attitude to improve your life—it goes far beyond that. Byrne says a force called the Law of Attraction guarantees that if you think positive thoughts about what you want, you will get it. “The Universe” will bend over backwards to hand you whatever you wish for: money, a better job, a spouse, anything.

Byrne’s claims are absurd on their face. She swears repeatedly that the Law of Attraction never fails, that it’s as reliable as the law of gravity. So what happens if two people both use “the secret” to make opposite things happen—for instance, if one wanted a sunny day and the other wanted rain?

Somehow, Byrne forgets to address this topic.

But that’s not the worst part. Among all the positive rhetoric are some very ugly concepts. While you are rearranging the universe to suit your own wishes, Byrne claims, you must avoid people who might inspire negative thoughts. So you should never look at overweight people or let sick people tell you about their illness.

Furthermore, if some people are poor, it “is because they are blocking money from coming to them with their thoughts.” (Jesus Christ, she announces, was actually a millionaire.) And people involved in tragedies and disasters brought it on themselves. They did not want enough not to “be in the wrong place at the wrong time.”

Friends, I am not exaggerating. It’s all in there.

Tim Watkin reports in the Washington Post, “I watched Bob Proctor . . . one of the ‘gurus’ Byrne quotes most often, being asked on ‘Nightline’ whether the starving children of Darfur had ‘manifested’—that is, visualized—their own misery. In utter seriousness, he replied, ‘I think the country probably has.’”

But Byrne is not saying you should not care about other people. You should care about them—because it is good for you: “If you think thoughts of love, guess who receives the benefits—you!”

Unfortunately, people are really swallowing this stuff. And it is dangerous. The book contains examples of people who supposedly cured themselves of cancer without treatment, and people who bought expensive things because they just knew the money was coming in—I saw many of those in bankruptcy court when I was a practicing attorney. Karin Klein reports in the Los Angeles Times, “Therapists tell me they’re starting to see patients who are headed for real trouble, immersing themselves in a dream world in which good things just come.”

Byrne has scammed millions of people by appealing to their pride and greed, and she is making a fortune. But I will tell you this for free: Byrne’s hot new trend is simply a repetition of the oldest lie there is—“You shall be like God.”

That’s the secret, not of success, but of misery.

Gene Brooks said...

Your site is great. Thanks for the link. Say hello to Jim and Sara at GEM for me.

Dr. Russell Norman Murray said...

Hollywood insists on having a pretty boy type actor play Superman, whereas in the comic book, Superman is much larger and muscular. I suppose the boy band/young rock star look is more hip presently.