
Faith & Fathers

In study after study, the absence of fathers is linked
to a host of what social scientists call "adverse outcomes"
in the lives of children. These adverse outcomes affect
all of society—increased crime, substance abuse, and
dropping out of school, to name but a few.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The need for a father figure is necessary for the overall psychiatric welfare of a child. The mother is also a necessity. (that is not an after thought). In a same sex marriage, a female as a father figure skews this within the minds of children. They cannot develop proper sex designations in their lives. This is also true for a male mother figure.

God designed humans to need both father and mother in the traditional sense. People are messing with things such as this and do not know the outcome of it but I can assure you, that much like the 'sexual freedom' of the late 60's and 70's, it will be disastrous.

Bill Jones