
What Is A Blog???

What's a blog?

A blog is a personal diary. A daily pulpit. A collaborative space.
A political soapbox. A breaking-news outlet. A collection of links.
Your own private thoughts. Memos to the world.

Your blog is whatever you want it to be. There are millions of them,
in all shapes and sizes, and there are no real rules.

In simple terms, a blog is a web site, where you write stuff on an
ongoing basis. New stuff shows up at the top, so your visitors can
read what's new. Then they comment on it or link to it or email you.

Or not.

1 comment:

eDOT said...

Blogging: The History and the Spirit

"There comes a moment when people who have been dabbling in religion ('Man's
search for God!') suddenly draw back. Supposing we really found Him? We
never meant it to come to that! Worse still, supposing He had found
us?" -C.S. Lewis

When you come right down to it, blogging is about two things: reaching and

People started blogging for many reasons. Communication can be an odd
thing — even with the most powerful and effective technology we have in this
modern world, with targeted ads, personalized pop-ups, and demographic data
with frightening specificity, the people who handle public relations for a
living still say that the most effective means of communication remains an
old standby: word of mouth.

On the internet, it's tough to manage word of mouth. It seems like we're
bombarded now with viral advertisements, odd promotions, and strange product
tie-ins. No one can look you in the face over the internet — which means
that it's tough to establish trust, conversations can get angry a lot
quicker, and civility is often in short supply. It's tough to prove to
people who don't know you that you have something worthwhile to say. It's
tougher still to reach strangers on a personal level, operating just through
words on a computer screen, an ongoing virtual conversation.

And yet, somehow, it happens.

Blogging began as a form of personal online journal — a site with posts
updated in reverse chronological order featuring links, stories, and
whatever was on the author's mind. Today, new blogs are now being launched
at a rate of over 15,000 per day. There are currently more than 50 million
blogs in existence. There are all kinds of blogs — including sites that act
primarily as filters for news, sites that focus on social networking or
day-to-day life, sites that are driven by ideological issues, and sites
where people participate in a community discussion. The new Boundless Line
is one of these community blogs.

I started blogging in August 2001, when I was 19 — just weeks before 9/11.
After the attacks, many people flocked to the Internet to express their
anger, share their thoughts, and mourn the passing of what seemed like a
simpler world. Families talked about the relatives they'd lost. Professors
and lawyers wrote about what they knew. Soldiers gave updates from the front
in a new war. It was a new way to share your knowledge and life experiences
with others — the closest thing to word of mouth.

The kind of blogging most people talk about in the media is a medium that's
an outlet for political frustration, grassroots organization, or as a wider
avenue to distribute news. But with the rise of community and networking
sites, it's also become a way to reach out, to make very personal
connections. It's clear why this is — when you express your thoughts, as
best you can, and reach out across the internet to see if anyone cares what
you think about music, culture, politics or relationships — sometimes,
people who know what you're talking about really do care. And that's when
fast friendships can develop.

When I was in college, I started trading e-mails with a frequent reader and
commenter on my old blog — a young Catholic lawyer in the south — debating
everything under the sun, sharing thoughts on the latest news, conversing
about faith and life. In time, we shared as much or more than friends I'd
known for years, even though we'd never met.

Today, he's one of my closest friends. We get together now and then. We
debate theology. We play fantasy football. There are standing invitations to
visit when we're each in town. And this summer, I was honored to become
godfather for his beautiful little daughter — all because he stumbled across
a college student's blog.

Blogging isn't just about reaching out, though. It's also about seeking
out — finding the answers to questions that are simple, and ones that are
more profound.

If you have a question that's tough to answer, you can almost always find it
on blogs — someone, somewhere, has probably had the same question. If you
have a blog, you can ask the question of your readers — and usually, someone
can point you in the right direction. Ask a lawyer, ask a scientist, ask a
doctor, ask a priest; they're all online, and usually someone has the

But there's another kind of seeking that exists in the odd world of the
blogosphere — a deeper, more lasting search carried over from everyday life.

Nowadays, people are reluctant to talk about their faith in public. Religion
isn't an appropriate topic for the dinner table or a social event any more.
And so people don't ask questions, they don't seek out answers. Many of them
long for answers — they crave a direction for their path, a solution for the
problems in their life, something to fill the hollow place in their hearts.
Some of them deny that they are lost — some recognize it. But few are
willing to cross the modern social boundaries of decorum and seek out, to
turn to the Christian they know in their office or in their neighborhood,
and ask: "Why is your life different than mine?"

As a believer on the internet or in the blogosphere, we have the same
mandate the Bible gives concerning all missions. We find it in Luke 19, in
the story of Zaccheus, and specifically in verse 10:

"For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost."

There is a beautiful excerpt from Matthew Henry's commentary on the
passage — well, maybe only I think it's beautiful — perhaps powerful is a
better word (emphasis added):

The whole world of mankind, by the fall, is become a lost world: lost as a
city is lost when it has revolted to the rebels, as a traveller is lost when
he has missed his way in a wilderness, as a sick man is lost when his
disease is incurable, or as a prisoner is lost when sentence is passed upon
him.... Christ undertook the cause when it was given up for lost: undertook
to bring those to themselves that were lost to God and all goodness.
Observe, Christ came into this lost world to seek and save it. His design
was to save, when there was not salvation in any other.... He seeks those
that were not worth seeking to; he seeks those that sought him not, and
asked not for him.

We are called to seek out the lost, as Christ did. We are called to seek
them, even if they will not seek Christ on their own, and share the good
news of salvation with them. That is our task in our daily lives as
Christians — and in our lives online.

For more than eight years, Boundless has published articles that help guide
thousands of single Christians through their personal and spiritual life.
Now, Boundless has launched a new online outlet on these same topics — but
now with a far more personal element. The Boundless Line blog represents a
new avenue for communication with the single Christians who've read
Boundless for years.

Boundless Line will reach out to Christian singles in an innovative way,
providing daily support and guidance and insights for one of the most
challenging periods of life. And it represents a new commitment to seek out
those who need help on some of the toughest issues everyone faces in life —
issues of relationships, career, and faith. If you have a friend who isn't
seeking yet, send them to Boundless Line, and they can start finding what
they're looking for.

The contributors to Boundless Line include many of the writers and editors
already familiar to readers of the site. Their voices are already
well-known, and this community blog will function in practical terms as an
ongoing personal conversation with them. It's as if you just sat down for
coffee with all of us at the table with you, discussing the issues that
matter most.

Christ seeks us out in interesting ways. Sometimes He uses a friend,
sometimes a stranger, sometimes a song on the radio or a book found in a
yard sale. We know He uses word of mouth — after all, that's how He got
started. He may even use blogs.


Blogging to Worship God

Why blog?

That's the question I asked myself back in November of 2005, when I began a
weblog called Worship Matters, devoted to issues of music and worship. After
leading worship for 30 years, I figured I'd made enough mistakes to keep me
going for a couple hundred columns.

At that time, said there were 10 million other blogs in
existence. I wasn't sure the world needed one more.

That was then. now claims to search over 50 million blogs. On
top of that, the Washington Post recently reported that hosts
over 100 million blogs. I have no doubt the number of blogs is going to
continue to grow.

Why are blogs so incredibly popular? I can think of a few reasons. Sites
like MySpace, TypePad, WordPress and Blogger have made starting a blog easy.
And blogs are a great way to keep in touch with family and friends. My
daughter and daughter-in-law live near us, but I still read their blogs that
include personal reflections and pictures of the grandkids (always a plus).

I read a number of blogs daily. Al Mohler ( gives me quick
insightful and biblical commentary on the news. Justin Taylor
( provides helpful links to sites dealing with
"Theology, Philosophy, Politics, and Culture." Some blogs make me laugh
(, others help me think through issues biblically

More than anything, blogs have enabled us to communicate what's in our
hearts and minds to anyone in the world who wants to listen. And you can do
all of this sitting at home in front of your computer.

If you're reading this, there's a good possibility that you read blogs,
comment on blogs, or write one of your own. If you never go near blogs, I
wouldn't be too concerned. But for the rest of us, here are some things to
keep in mind as we inhabit the blogosphere.

For Those Who Blog or Want To

Christians might blog on a variety of topics and for a number of reasons,
but they share one common goal:

"So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of
God." (1 Cor. 10:31)

If God wants us to eat and drink for his glory, He certainly wants us to
blog for the same reason. That means God has something to say about our
content, attitude, and motive in blogging.

It's not hard to find blogs that are filled with foul language, pornographic
material, and useless information. But as Christians, we're commanded to
think about things that are true, honorable, just, pure, commendable,
excellent, and praiseworthy (Phil. 4:8). That includes quite a bit. What it
doesn't include is saying whatever I feel like saying, rehearsing how lousy
I feel, wallowing in self-pity, or stirring up unnecessary controversy. God
says we'll be held accountable for every word we speak — and blog.

If you're going to write a blog, write about something that matters. Unless
you don't expect anyone to read what you're saying, ask yourself if what
you're writing will serve your readers in any way. It might be funny or
serious, your own reflections or thoughts from others. Your blog might
simply point to resources, books, or music that has encouraged you. But the
content should in some meaningful way bring glory to God.

Here are a few subjects that should be absent from our blogs:

Lies. Sitting in front of the keyboard, it's amazing how easily we type
things that we aren't completely sure about, that we never would want to be
held accountable to, or that are slightly modified to make us sound more
persuasive. As those who follow the One Who is the Truth, we should avoid
any kind of falsehood, exaggeration, or unsubstantiated claim.

Gossip. One of the most common blogging temptations is to spread information
about people we've never spoken to directly. This isn't the same as
referencing public knowledge for the sake of illustration, which can build
discernment. But too often, we gossip simply to exalt our own ego. "Why was
Katherine hanging out with Michael?" "How can my boss be so insensitive?"
"I'd never say what Drew said." "What a loser."

Intimate details. I stumbled across some blogs a while back that read like
uncensored diaries, full of crude language, sinful desires, and sexual
disclosures. What holds true for our speech, holds true for our blogs:

"But sexual immorality and all impurity or covetousness must not even be
named among you, as is proper among saints. Let there be no filthiness nor
foolish talk nor crude joking, which are out of place, but instead let there
be thanksgiving." (Eph. 5:3-4)

Another factor to consider in blogging is links. While it may look
impressive or cool to have a long list of "Blogs I Read," keep in mind that
you're recommending the content of those blogs. Unless you trust the source
implicitly, you should only recommend blogs that follow the same standards
you do.

God is also concerned about our attitude when we blog.

"Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good
for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who
hear." (Eph. 4:29)

I read a newspaper article not too long ago about a woman who wakes up every
morning and begins her day by blogging her anger against conservatives.
While most of us wouldn't go that far, I wonder how often we use blogs to
sin in a way that doesn't seem quite so sinful. "Corrupting talk" includes
biting sarcasm, arrogant condescension, and harsh anger. We might rename
them wit, experience, and justified venting.

It never seems very sinful when we're writing from our heart, striking a few
keys and, pushing "post." No one's there to give us feedback and we're just
happy we said what we wanted to say. That's why Christian bloggers need a
generous dose of humility. The nature of blogging implies that I think I
have something worth saying. That's misleading. The ability to post my
thoughts on the Internet is no guarantee that I have any idea what I'm
talking about.

Recently Tim Challies live-blogged the WorshipGod06 Conference we hosted.
One commenter took issue with some of the things that reportedly took place
at the conference and launched into an attack on me, Sovereign Grace
Ministries, and charismatics in general. I'm happy to say that after a
number of folks came to our defense, the original commenter saw his sin and
wrote this:

"Please forgive this over-zealous brother who spoke too soon, and without
thinking through all of this first ... and please pray that God would grant
me wisdom and discernment in all things, so that I might not hurt another
brother or sister with the kind of comments I posted earlier."

That was a turnaround that is rarely seen in the world of blogging and a
clear demonstration of humility. But it's even better to consider our hearts
before we open our mouths, remembering Solomon's counsel in Proverbs: "Do
you see a man who is hasty in his words? There is more hope for a fool than
for him" (Prov. 29:20).

Finally, we need to examine our motives for blogging. Sometimes my motives
are godly, sometimes not. Often they're mixed.

When I started Worship Matters I was painfully aware of a desire to impress
people. I had difficulty getting started and confessed in my second blog

"Undoubtedly, pride has held me back. I don't simply want to write a blog on
worship. I want to write THE blog on worship (it helps that there aren't
very many out there to begin with). In my worst moments I'm hoping will be quoted, blogrolled, referenced, acclaimed,
recognized, and well, worshiped. The fear that that WON'T happen, and that
my blog will die after two weeks due to lack of interest, gives me pause.

"Ironic, isn't it? One of my motives for writing a blog on worshipping God
seems to be gaining glory for myself. Come to think of it, one of my motives
for almost everything I do seems to be gaining glory for myself."

Fortunately, God gives grace to overcome our sin. But if we don't
acknowledge it, we'll never be able to repent from it. Here are some
possible signs that I'm blogging for my own glory:

* I start a blog because all my friends have one
* I enjoy seeing my name in print, especially on someone else's blog
* I'm crushed by criticism
* I'm flippant in criticizing others
* I check my visitor counter every hour
* My emotional state is related to the number of people who visit my site

I'm sure you can think of others. God's words to us in James are relevant to

"Who is wise and understanding among you? By his good conduct let him show
his works in the meekness of wisdom. But if you have bitter jealousy and
selfish ambition in your hearts, do not boast and be false to the truth.
This is not the wisdom that comes down from above, but is earthly,
unspiritual, demonic." (James 3:13-15)

The two motives we are called to fight here are bitter jealousy and selfish
ambition. Bitter jealousy is grieving that I don't have what someone else
has — a cooler site design, more links, more comments, more visitors. It's
when I only want God to be glorified through ME, and don't naturally rejoice
when he chooses to use someone else.

Selfish ambition is similar to bitter jealousy, only more blatant. I want to
be approved, applauded, admired. I want people to say kind things about me,
whether or not I actually deserve it. I fear any kind of correction or
feedback because it appears as though I've said or done something wrong. At
root, selfish ambition is challenging God for the right to be worshiped.
Sadly, it can motivate what we write.

God tells us that these sins are "earthly, unspiritual, and demonic." I have
to admit, I typically don't think of my desire to be noticed in such
radical, harsh terms. But then, I never see my sin like God does. As one
Puritan said, "You see more defilement in my duties than I ever saw in any
of my sins."

God's solution is simple, but impossible apart from the work of the Savior
in our hearts. Be humble. Be wise. Be "pure, peaceable, gentle, open to
reason, full of mercy and good fruits, impartial and sincere" (James 3:17).
That kind of blogging will bear fruit for eternity for the glory of Jesus

On Reading Blogs

When I first discovered blogs, I was amazed how much time people spent
reading them. I still am. Yet, I've too often sat down to read a blog and
been shocked to look up at the clock and see that two hours has passed.

For all that's good about blogs, there are some down sides. The majority of
blogs promote transient, light, emotional, and unreflective communication.
Unlike great authors, no blogger I know spends years figuring out what
they're going to say on their blog. For the most part, blogs focus on what's
new, fashionable, or controversial. They can encourage quick and mindless
responses that only feed our tendency to value temporal, passing things.

Of course, blogs can be beneficial if we use them wisely, understanding that
they're only one slice of the way God intends for us to relate to the world.
And a small slice, at that.

Before I read a blog, it's always good to ask a few questions.

* Is there a better way I should be spending my time?
* Have I set a limit on how long I'm going to do this?
* Do I plan to guard my heart as I read?
* How much time do I spend each day reading blogs?

My 17-year-old daughter started a blog where she posts pictures she's taken.
She sent out an e-mail to let people know about it, and a portion of it

"If you ever have any free time and you're wondering, "What in the world am
I going to do now?" don't go to my blog. Have extended devotions, or read
some good book on our Savior, or serve your family. And once you've done
that, come and visit my blog."

That's great counsel.

The blogosphere is a mixed blessing. Used wisely we can benefit from the
lives, insights, and creativity of others. Used without discernment, it can
be a temptation and distraction for anyone who wants to please God.

Whether you read, write or ignore blogs, I pray that God gives you grace to
do it all for the glory of our Savior.


Blog Responsibly

In May I visited a certain well-read Christian blog for the first time. The
content of the day's post was a review of a controversial Christian book. I
had been pointed to the post by another blogger who claimed the comment
trail following the review was unloving and unfair. I, along with several
hundred others, flew to the controversy. As I read through the comments,
many revealed not only an aversion to the book but severe and specific
criticism of the author's character.

As I scanned the comments — many seemingly dashed out in anger — I found
myself wondering if these bloggers didn't have something better to do with
their time than tear apart a fellow follower of Jesus.

Unfortunately this kind of graceless conversation among Christians is all
too common in the blogosphere. "The secular world is not impressed with the
Christian world of blogging," says Justin Taylor, proprietor of the blog
"Between Two Worlds."

Justin, whose blog receives up to 1,800 visits per day, believes that many
Christ-followers are abandoning the basics when it comes to their online
conversations. "Jesus said they will know us by our fruit and by our love,
and a lot of blogs are failing in that."

Digital Faith

Since the advent of the first web logs in the mid 90s, blogging has
exploded. The Blog Herald accounted for more than 70 million blogs worldwide
by mid-2006. And Christian leaders and laypeople alike are joining the trend
at a rapid rate.

Not only are blogs prolific, but the blogosphere is growing in power.
Bloggers are credited with exposing Dan Rather after he presented forged
documents regarding President Bush's military service on the show "60
Minutes." After bloggers presented evidence, CBS ultimately apologized for
inadequate reporting.

Christian bloggers wield this same power. But what we do with it impacts not
only the kingdoms of this world but also God's Kingdom. This presents a new
dilemma: How are believers to hold forth biblical truth in a digital age?

"In one sense the Bible has not a single word to say about blogging," Justin
points out. "But another way to look at it is that every page of the Bible
has something to say about blogging."

One verse Justin believes a Christian blogger should take to heart is
Ephesians 4:15: "Speaking the truth in love, we will in all things grow up
into him who is the Head, that is, Christ."

While some bloggers may shy away from speaking the truth in favor of not
offending anyone, Justin has more frequently observed the opposite. "Many
bloggers are so concerned about getting truth out there, it doesn't seem to
matter who they offend or how badly it hurts."

Carolyn McCulley, who ministers to single women through her blog, "Solo
Femininity," agrees.

"Christian blogging is often characterized by gracelessness," she says. "As
we write we should not be above the commands of Proverbs 31 to open our
mouths with kindness and love, instruction and the law of wisdom on our

Every Word

The Christian blogger bears greater responsibility than his secular
counterpart because we answer to a higher authority. "The Lord Jesus Christ
is looking over our shoulders as we type," Carolyn says. "And we are one day
going to be accountable to Him for every word."

In light of this, believers should take great care when navigating the
blogosphere, avoiding such pitfalls as carelessness, gossip and dissension.
Christian bloggers should adopt a responsible view of blogging that
incorporates basic disciplines.

Maturity. "A lot of people assume that just because they can blog they
should blog," Justin says. "There are probably a lot of people out there who
shouldn't be blogging."

Justin suggests bloggers consider their level of spiritual maturity before
discussing matters of doctrine on a blog. "The Bible has a lot to say about
teachers and their increased level of accountability to God," he says. "The
more you blog — and the more people read your blog — the more responsibility
you have."

If a person is questioning whether or not he should blog, he may want to
blog under the authority of someone who is more spiritually mature. He
could, for example, submit entries that give biblical instruction to a godly
mentor before posting them (more under "Accountability" below).

Self-Control. Proverbs 10:19 warns, "When words are many, sin is not
absent." This is never more true than in the blogosphere — an information
medium that allows instantaneous dissemination of thoughts. "In a digital
world, we have to work very hard to refuse the pressure of the immediate,"
Carolyn says. "Just because you can hit publish, doesn't mean you should."

Avoiding the pressure to post is counterintuitive for many bloggers. We are
driven to be the first to comment on an issue and don't want to be left
behind in an online discussion. Still, deliberation and restraint are
crucial to maintaining a consistent witness.

When blogging about emotionally charged issues, Carolyn suggests allowing a
cool-off period to evaluate whether you're writing out of anger, impatience
or self-righteousness. "If you're questioning your motives, there's nothing
so important that you can't wait 24 hours to post it."

Good advice, considering words posted online are not easily withdrawn.
"Those words never ever go away," Carolyn says. "Once you put them up,
they're there."

Accountability. Several months ago Justin ran across an article online that
he found intriguing and wanted to blog about. "I also knew it could be
easily misunderstood and a little too provocative," he says.

He sent the article to two of his pastors and half a dozen friends and told
them he was considering posting it but wanted their counsel. "Enough of them
responded that they wouldn't post it, that I ended up not doing it," he
says. "There's wisdom in a multitude of counselors."

Carolyn also seeks counsel on her most sensitive blog postings. "I ask
people, 'Am I being gracious? Am I being encouraging? Am I being accurate,
for that matter?'"

Humility. James' advice to be quick to listen and slow to speak often goes
unheeded in the blogosphere. Opinions fly with little regard for uncovering
the heart of the matter. This is especially noticeable when blogging about
those with whom we disagree.

Carolyn, who asks permission before writing about anyone on her blog, says
it's helpful to consider God's perspective. "We're speaking about people God
created and redeemed, and our lack of charity in conversation just reveals
our own arrogance — as though we can see the whole picture of someone's

Instead, Christians ought to offer judgments with generous amounts of grace
and humility.

Fruitful Conversation

Justin and Carolyn agree that when undertaken responsibly, blogging can be a
tremendous ministry. And the beauty of blogging is that anyone can do it.
Justin holds up Tim Challies' blog as an example of this.

"Tim has become one of the most famous Christian bloggers," Justin says. He
writes 150 book reviews a year. He has posted something every day for 900
days running.

"Tim hasn't gone to seminary. He doesn't have a Ph.D. He isn't connected to
some famous Christian ministry. And yet he's a faithful Christian brother
who has a sharp mind and is a good writer.

"Without the blogosphere," Justin goes on, "people like Tim would just be
reading books in their offices. And yet people keep going back to his blog
day after day because they find it helpful and informative and edifying. We
need more people like Tim out there: people who are godly and have good
minds and can speak the truth winsomely."

If you are already a blogger or aspire to be one, you've discovered fertile
soil. Like Justin, Carolyn and Tim, you've been given the opportunity to
spark conversations that draw people to Christ and inspire them to pursue
Him more passionately.